Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Knitting with Phobias

Date of Scene: May 25, 2011
Characters (In Order of Appearance):
Angela (Phobia)
Kara (Supergirl)

Today, all's quiet in the prisoner's ward, as Angela has been given her knitting supplies. She's sitting half reclined, eyes half-closed, hands and fingers moving with quick well-practiced motions across her silver needles. A bundle of white lacework sits bundled up in her lap, while off to her left side sits a half used cone of white silky thread coiled up in a cone spool. As Angela works, the spool turns and spins with the force of the drawing motinos she makes to pull more thread into her flashing needles.

Even a Supergirl gets free time from keeping the world safe, and Kara wants to check up on Phobia to see how she's doing. Before coming up to the Watchtower, she went and picked up Lilith, figuring another caring face would help matters. As the Girl of Steel walks into the detention area, she gives Phobia a smile. "Hello, Angela. How are you doing today?"

Lilith follows shortly after, wearing her Omen robes as usual. She seems to have taken to wearing those often lately. But she looks cheerful as ever, the silver peace sign earrings huge and shining as always. She doesn't say much right now, preferring to allow Supergirl to speak instead.

Phobia's eyes open slowly, unhurriedly; their green depths untroubled for once. A faint almost smile plays on the brit's features as she replies smoothly, "Quite well. Thank you. And yourself?" Her mind is at peace, calm, even keeled. The majority of her thoughts have nightmarish images in them, but they are being spun, like a spider's web, into the pattern she's working on.

Supergirl pauses for a bit, considering Phobia's mood. She goes over to the control pannel and lowers the forcefield, although the psi dampeners are still active. With a smile, she approaches the now open cell. "I'm doing okay. And I like your knitting, it's very intricate." Without any seats other than the bed in the cell, Kara simply floats up and crosses her legs under her, sitting in an indian position a few feet above the floor. "How have you been sleeping? Have the herbal teas been helping?"

"I brought some more," Lilith chimes in, walking to her usual seat and lowering herself into it. She folds her hands demurely in her lap and attentively listens to the rest of the conversation around her. Her mind naturally reaches out to the telepathic ether, but she doesn't intrude.

Phobia nods to Kara as she settles herself on the WOnderPlane-esque chair. "Yes, the teas are quite the bit of help. I'm thankful you've brought more with you. I drink it nightly now," Angela begins, hands ever moving as she speaks. She tilts her head lightly, smiling genlty, if a touch darkly, as her mind turns those visions into something real beneath her fingers. "Do what do I owe this most pleasant of visits?"

"I wanted to stop by and see how you were doing," Kara replies. "I know I've been busy, but I do still care about your progress. So, if there's anything I can do or bring you...."

Lilith smiles a little wider as she finds out that the teas do help. She really does want to help, and it's clear she bears no malice to Phobia. Still, she has always maintained that this is Kara's thing, so she stays quiet.

"Ah, a check up call," Angela quips lightly, a soft chuckle hiding in her tone. She straightens up a bit, fingers pasusing in their work as she does so. Her lacework tumbles from her lap, landing in a heap at her feet. She gives the 3 foot wide piece of fabric a flick to shake it out, before she settles back to continue knitting. "I'll need more yarn soon. I'm nearly done with this cone and I've got quite a few more panels I need to work through before my mind is what I would call truly clear." How many cones has Kara brought for Angela? Or has Angela been allowed to 'order' them and have them collected from her 'apartment'? How long has Angela been allowed to knit?

Supergirl nods. "Well, tell you what." Kara smiles at Angela, looking rather pleased. "How about if you come with me to Metropolis and we can pick up the yarn for you at a store. Get out and stretch your legs some, enjoy the day."