Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Jack Knight

Characters in Scene (in order of appearance):
- Phobia
- Jack Knight

The Regency at Park & Central. It's not The Place, but it is one of the better places in Metropolis for the rich, influential, and business traveler alike. The bar is nice as well. Reasonable stage where live jazz bands, stand-up comedians, and whatever other kind of performance the hotel thinks is best suited for the clientelle of the week. It's a quiet Tuesday evening, and so the house pianist is hard at work, playing whatever piano concerto comes to mind. The wait staff is minimal: one waitress and one bar tender. Aside from those two, the bar is very lightly populated: a business guru on his laptop over there, a rich elitist having a drink and listening to the pianist over here, and a delicate wisp of a woman at the bar. She's in a simple black number, drop earrings, a bangle bracelet, a thumb ring. She sips from a crystal wine goblet, held between thumb and fore-finger by the stem.

Jack Knight enters the bar from the lobby outside. He has clearly conceded to the dress code of the establishment but in a somewhat grudging fashion. He does wear a sportcoat and tie as is preferred in this sort of place though it's hardly the height of modern fashion. The coat is a 1960s era jacket of bright blue with black rounded lapels the sort that hasn't been seen since they were first in vogue. A gray shirt and black silk tie, wide and clearly a hand painted Hawaiian relic with an ornate palm tree in a hurricane design. Archaic to be sure but in remarkable condition. He orders an Old Fashioned from the bartender and then begins to look about taking in the various bits of decor in the room.

Phobia's eyes drift toward Jack as he stops by the bar to order a drink. Green eyes scan his clothing. One arched brow inches higher as she spots each fashion faux-pas, until then at last her gaze returns to his face, she wears a bemused sort of grin. She hides it behind her glass of wine.

Jack Knight waits for his drink and gives his attention to one of the framed pictures above the bar which seems to catch his eye. He spies the girl looking his outfit over and when he does so he smiles in a self satisfied sort of way which seems to indicate that his rather ecclectic fashion sense was inherently deliberate. When his drink arrives he raises it in her direction and then returns to the picture.

Phobia smirks further as the fashion criminal smiles at her. She returns his raised glass with a dip of her chin and a slight lifting of her own glass, before she brings it to her lips. She turns her gaze toward the mirror behind the bar, studying someone's reflection.

Two executive types and their dates also give Jack's garb a withering gaze. One can be overheard to say to his friend, "Some fashion ideas should just be aborted before they even go out in public." however his frend shushs him and whispers. "That's that Knight guy from TV. The crazy antique guy." For some reason (the usual ones) the table of upwardly mobile people suddenly no longer view Jack with disdain but clearly now see him as a sort of eccentric genius because I mean...he's like....on TV and stuff. Jack overhears part of this and simply rolls his eyes and sips his drink. Clearly this sort of establishment is not his first choice of drinking locales

Phobia's eyes track across the mirror to sorce of the voices. Her eyes narrow faintly. Her glass pauses part way to her lips. But Jack's reaction seems to garner her attention, and she straightens ever so slightly, eyes widening to normal as she turns to regard her bar-partner once more. "Crazy... antiques guy," she questions in her aristocratic British accent.

Jack Knight grins sardonically and says, "That was what we were going to call the show but some drunk stuffed shirt in a Metropolis bar had already thought of it." This causes the man at the table to turn a truly unique shade of red and try to hide behind his menu while his friend and both dates chuckle. He extends a hand to woman at the bar next to him and says, "Jack Knight."

The smile that blooms on Phobia's face is priceless as the man at the table turns beet red. Setting her wine glass down, she reaches forward to take Jack's hand. Her palm is turned slightly down, and her knuckles are angled slightly up, from what would be a standard American handshake. Her grip is dainty and demure and her fingers are cool and dry. "Angela Hawkins," she replies nobly, eyes seeming to glimmer as she speaks.

Jack Knight doesn't seem phased by the Euro-centric handshake. "Nice to meet you." he sips hsi old fashioned. "Are you here at the hotel or are you just hanging around in the lounge in order to pick up some of that guy's good ideas?" This causes the man to slink further in his chair which seems to amuse Jack no end.

Phobia chuckles ever so softly, especially as Jack's comment makes the man slink into his chair further. "Both, though I shall admit I am finding your ideas far more clever," she replies, hand reaching for her goblet again. Those sparkling green eyes flick toward the man, and a slight touch of lust dances across her face. As she turns her gaze back to Jack, she flicks her tongue over her lips. "Do, please, continue," she murmurs coyly as her wine glass comes once more to her lips.

Jack Knight laughs. "So now I have to be clever on command. That's trickier and may require an additional drink." he says indicating to the barman that he'd like another old fashioned. "I should also get a new target as that guy is going to fall out of his chair and I'm sure wherever he works has some sort of rule about that sort of thing."

Phobia smiles, pointed toward Jack's drink in silent request that the bartender put it on her tab. "I'm sure that it doesn't matter to me what the rules of his company is. His reactions are... amusing," she retorts pleasantly. "won't you join me?"

[OOC] Phobia says, "wow. It's bedtime already. Can we get toward a wrap up? I've got class in the morning."
[OOC] Jack Knight says, "no worries. We can say that they drink and chat a bit and then head out seperately. Thanks for the RP :)"
[OOC] Phobia says, "If that's okay with you? Do you think this is something you'd like ot have be a real scene when you're approved?"
[OOC] Jack Knight says, "absolutely :)"
[OOC] Phobia says, "And, thank you! I feel much better about my character's personality now. I haven't really had a chance to RP with her since I was approved. :) <3"

End Scene.