Monday, April 25, 2011

Waking up in the Watchtower

Characters in Scene (in Order of Appearance):
- Phobia
- Supergirl

Location: A holding cell in the Watchtower of the Justice League.

How long was Phobia unconscious? She has no way of knowing. The psychic only knows that when she did wake, she was in a holding cell and that no minds were near enough for her to touch and meddle with. With the backlash from kara's mind still fresh, and no one's fears to drain her own mounting ones in, Phobia slid off the bunk and into a corner. Curling up, Phobia pressed her back into the corner, pulled her knees to her chin, and wrapped her black cloak up around herself. Shivering, eyes wide, there she stayed until her mind ran out of thngs to trap her with, and numb silence set in to her mind. Thus is how she can be found, curling into a ball, eyes wide and unseeing.

The door opens and in walks the reason why Phobia is in here to begin with. Supergirl isn't looking very happy about being here, but she has questions that need to be answered as well as a big decision to make. The psi-dampeners in the holding cell help mute Phobia's powers, but there's still a feeling of pity when Kara sees the state of the cell's occupant. "Phobia?" she asks in a gentle tone. "Angella? I need to talk to you. Please?"

It takes a long five seconds for Phobia's eyes to track up to Supergirl. The green depths are hollow, like a starved animal too long caged. Her upper lip curls away from her teeth, and her mind flounders amid the psi-dampers. The weight of them makes Phobia's throat growl, eyes water, and head turn away.

Supergirl sighs. This isn't going to be easy at all. "Angella, we need to talk. I want to understand. And I want to help you. I know something about your poweres and that you need to feed off negative emotions. That's a terrible burden and I want to try and help you with it. If you'll let me."

Phobia shuffles away, face buried into her hands. Her shoulders quiver with the lack of a decent.... meal. One hand pulls away from her face and moves out. Fingers splayed and palm up, its a motion that tries to say 'stop', but for all the trembling, the motion is weak at best.

Supergirl goes and brings a chair over so that she can sit. "Do you need to feed? If you do..." She closes her eyes, thinking. It's dangerous, but it's also something neccessary. "If you need to, we can turn down the dampers a bit and I can give you something. Something I'm in control of. Is that okay?"

Phobia's head lifts, at Supergirl's offer. As she lifts her head, it wobbles in a motion akin to a nod, though with as hard as she's trembling it may just be her overall unsteady state. The tip of her tongue flicks out and moistens dry lips. Her breathing is short and heavy.

Supergirl nods in response. "Okay." She gets up from the chair and goes to the control panel, turning the dampening field down, to about half strength. She returns to the chair and settles back into it. "Okay. I'm going to visualize something. I'm not going to try and overload you with it. Just please only look at that and nothing else in mymind, okay?" Without waiting for an answer, Kara closes her eyes again and brings back the memory of the day Krypton's death hit Argo; the trememdous shockwavae ripping the planet from it's orbit and causing apocalyptic earthquakes and tidal waves.

Phobia's mind latches out, finds the first fear she comes to and claws into it. It's harder than she's used to, with the dampeners, giving Supergirl the mental control to guide what's seen and felt and shared. All Phobia does is cause the fear to spike and for the mind of her victim to see the fear as a real thing, as flesh and blood and smell and taste. All the while, Phobia takes the feeling of her victim's fear, savors it, and uses it to fill the hole in her own psyche where her own fears and phobias lurk.

Supergirl clenches her fists as the horrors of that day are relieved and the feelings of fear intensified. Her eyes are shut tight and a few tears stream down her cheek. "Just...just a bit more. I really don't like dwelling on this day...."

Phobia uncoils, like a snake, and rises to her feet. If she heard or if she cared is unknown as she continues to feed. "Something in common, have we," she whispered, voice mocking and cold, taking on the grating reverb of shattering rock. "Yess... just a bit more," she adds, tones taking on a sadistic quality as she twists her mental knife, savoring as much anguist as she can.

As soon as Phobia starts talking in that voice, Kara stops thinking about that day. She focuses on happier times: times spent with her friends in the League. "That's enough!" she snaps. Kara gets up and turns the psi-dampners back up.

Phobia gasps in a startled strandled sort of way, stumbling backwards into the bunk and falling down onto her backside. She shakes her head, trying to clear it, trying to scoop up the lingering sensations that still dance about her thoughts; she presses the fingertips of one hand to a temple. Looking up at Kara, eyes more clear than before, Phobia asks with a hiss, "Why are you holding me?"

It takes Kara a moment to steady herself and regain her composure. She manages not to crumple the control panel as she grips it to keep her balance. "There's several reasons why we're holding you. I'm not going to lie to you and say that some of what you saw in my thought isn't the biggest reason. But I am telling you the truth: I do want to help you. I think you really do want to be someone better. You want to stop being the villain, that's why you left the Brotherood. That's why you were regretting what you were doing to that man last night." She looks back up and focuses her gaze, and her enhanced hearing, on Phobia. "Am I right?"

Phobia's eyes narrow, and her lips press into a pale thin line. Her heart beat catches a moment in fright as her mind races with wild thoughts of just how this one knows these things about her. Was that farm girl from the park a spy? Why did she have to open up and say a word to anyone? If she ever finds that farm-brat again, Phobia plans to make sure there's little left of her mind to recognize. Pushing herself to her feet, Phobia keeps as much distance between herself and Supergirl as she can, feeling trapped and uncertain how to answer. She wants to yell no and turn Supergirl's mind to goo, but with the dampeners on, and her mind not having focused well enough to find the controls, that's a no-go. And then there's the part of her that wants to change, the part that Raven forced her to see, that frightened little girl, that is shouting from the back corner of her mind: Yes! Yes! Let me out of here!

Hearing Phobia's heat pounding in fear, Supergirl softens her stance and walks back to the chair. "I know you're scared. I don't need telepathy to tell. Your heart rate, your body posture...I can read it all. Angella, I really want to help you. Your power is a burden that no-one should ever have to bear. But that doesn't mean that you're a bad person. You've been dealt a bad hand, but it's not too late to change."

Hand by hand, Phobia creeps along the wall until she's as far from Supergirl as the holding cell allows. Defenseless and now trapped in her own mind, Phobia's mind struggles to comprehend what its being given. "You've done your homework," she hisses, snake-like. Even to Phobia's ears the tone lacks luster and strength. "But what of it? You'll change me? You'll save me, Hero? Somehow, I doubt that."

Supergirl 's voice is quiet but it does carry. Especially in the cramped confines of the holding cell. "One of the things you saw was how I was betrayed by Cadmus. How when I was beaten and near death, they healed me, but they also took some genetic material from me. They created a clone, one that would do their bidding. They took everything I am, everything I was, everything I stood for, and they perverted it. They turned a version of me into a weapon and let it loose. And even after I beat her, she still kept coming after me. She tried to eliminate me and have my life. But I forgave her. I accepted her when she needed me. I accepted her as a sister, even. If I can forgive all those things, set aside my hatred for the people that betrayed and me and created a twisted copy, what makes you think I won't try to honestly help you?"

Phobia blinks, slowly. Yes. She saw, and at Kara's mention, she recalls that was part of what she had dreamt before she woke. It was part of what had dulled her mind savage while she waited. Phobia frowns, narrows her eyes, and retorts, "We don't know each other, and we have no ties other than your fears." The way she leans on the word 'fears', the way it makes her heart race again, makes it clear that this word means much to her.

Supergirl leans in a bit. "We're connected much deeper than just that." Despite the words and he mvement, Kara is not trying to be menacing. "You said it yourself when you fed off me just now. We've got something in common. We both know what it's like to loose everyone and everything we loved and be alone."

Phobia half turns toward the wall, peering at her faint shadow, all the while worrying her lower lip with her teeth. At her side, her hands ball into clentched fists. A moment later, and the fists come to her temples. A moment after that, her knees bend and buckle, and Phobia slides to the floor, shaking her head violently. "Leave me alone," she rasps.

"You don't have to be alone, Angella." Kara tries to put as much warmth and conviction into her voice as she can. "The League can help you. I can help you. You don't have to live a life of feeding off the homeless and desperate. We can help you find a good purpose in life. You can be stronger than what you think your power makes you. You just have to want us to help you."

"The League. The Brotherhood. What difference is there," Phobia hisses and snaps in reply, uncoiling to glare at Supergirl. Tears already striking her face, she seems not to notice them. "I do fine on my own. I disturb as few as possible." Again her mind tries to lash out, and again Phobia grimaces, ahdn coming to her temple as the dampeners weigh her down. "So, she was your spy, then? An informant; that farm-girl? Best you keep her from me! Or let me take my leave from you now, and I shall refrain from crushing her should I see her again!" Ah, the path of the villian. Making threats.

Supergirl looks puzzled. "I have no idea who you're talking about." She really hopes that her act is convincing..."And you're doing alright? Feeding from bums on the street? You're living like a scavenger. You're a person. And you deserve teh chance to live like one. I'm not going to say that I know what it's like to have your power, but I do know that it doesn have to be a curse unless you let it. One of the Leaguers that I admire is Captain Atom. He has no phsyical body now, he's just sentient energy. But he still refuses to let his condition define him. It would be all too easy for him to just withdraw and give up, but he keeps fighting and lives as a hero. You can do the same once we figure out a way for you to use your power to help others."

Phobia snorts lightly at Supergirl's first comment, as if to say 'I've heard that one before'. But as the kryptonian continues, Phobia frowns, considering. She moves back toward the bunk, settling down upon it. Her parentage does her well, and she sits with her back straight, her knees touching, and her ankles crossed. Marveling, seeing as no one's ever offered to help her before, Phobia's slow to trust, and she finally looks over. "Plan on keeping me in here the whole time, then?"

Supergirl shakes her head. "No. That wouldn't be right. But we can't let you out immediately, either. It's going to be a slow process, getting you to trust others and getting others to trust you. But it *will* be worth it. Did the Brotherhood ever trust each other? Not gaining trust hasn't exactly worked out for you, has it? Just be honest with yourself, please. Ask yourself if you really want to go on living like this, like a scavanger that has to hide in the night jsut to survive. I'm offing you a chance at a better way, a better life."

Phobia sneers at that, almost recoiling. Her heart speeds up again, bloodpressure rising into her ears. But once again battling herself, Phobia turns away from Supergirl, once again biting at her lower lip. After a moment, her eyes narrow, and she slides her gaze toward Kara. "And if I said yes?"

Supergirl stands up and walks over to the holding cell. She places her hand on the transparent wall that looks in on Phobia's cell. "Then we'll help you learn to focus your power. We'll help you master it instead of letting it master you. I promise."

Phobia looks up fully. Her eyes widen, only just now realizing that there was a WALL between them. Anger thuds her heartbeat as a dark frown graces her features. Regally, Phobia rises to her feet, moves to the middle of the cell, and glares at Supergirl. "And if you fall in your promise," she growls in a tone that borders into more fear. Her heart rate once again gives her away; this has happened to her before.

Supergirl smiles gently and points to the 'S' shield on her chest. "You think they let just anyone wear this symbol? And don't even start on the 'he's your cousin' bit. Superman doesn't believe in nepotism." She takes a deep breath, centering herself agian. "I need to go now. Can I send you down some food? We've got a great cafeteria here."

Phobia hadn't really considered Supergirl being Superman's cousin. It never really occurred to her, but now that it's mentioned it makes part of what she attacked Supergirl with in the alley make a little more sense. The farmers must have been close to Superman, and therefore close to Supergirl, hence her fear and guilt at their death. Phobia's heartbeat relaxes as she considers this new information while she nods in reply. "Yes, please," she adds verbally.

Supergirl smiles win a friendly way, not feeling as upset as she had been. "What would you like? I can recommend the roast turkey with dressing and mashed potatoes. Or what ever you prefer, we have gourmet chefs here on the Watchtower."

A loud gurgle speaks up that just about anything would be DELICIOUS! A gurgle loud enough that it could be heard clearly even without the help of super-hearing. Phobia's cheeks darken with a faint touch of pink at the sound, which had cut her off as she openned her mouth to speak.

Supergirl giggles and smiles. "I'll just have them send down a 'Flash special': a little bit of everything on the menu. SOund good?"

Off-put by the giggle, Phobia merely nods. Delicate brows pull together and form a light crease between them as the corners of her mouth pull downward again.

Now, Kara smiles sympatheticly. "It'll be okay, Angella. We'll work it all out and things will be better. Tomorrow...we can try siphoning some negative emotions agian. Okay?"

Phobia's eyes narrow again, lips once again forming an unhappy thin line on her face. Her reply is to fold her arms over her chest, not quite hugging herself.

Nodding quietly, Supergirl walks out. It's going to be a long road, but it has to work out, if not just for the fact that Phobia has too much information she could put together.

Frowning, Phobia paces the cell until the food arrives. When it does, the once-villian eats quickly, before pacing again until her body's tired enough to curl up and fall into a more natural sleep. How long it will last, however, with only a light 'feeding', is anyone's guess.