Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Out with the Warden

Date of Scene: Apr. 27, 2011
Characters in Scene (in Order of Appearance):
- Phobia / Angela Hawkins III
- Supergirl
- Starman / Jack Knight

-----==[ MetroTower - Metropolis ]==------------------------------------------

Massive in size, this lobby is decorated in a modern approach; The black marble floor and mirrored walls make the already gigantic two level lobby look even larger. The walking area is quite large and open allowing room for the masses of people who pass through here every couple of minutes with a sitting area for those on a break or waiting for a meeting or other business to move freely. Large statues of heroes (fallen and current) are placed on the left and right emphasising the location of doors and hallways with floor maps on the left side of them reducing confusion for those who are new to the building.
There is a hallway that leads to the eastern side of the building that leeds to garage area, stairway, and restrooms. On the west side there is a doorway which has written on a plaque "Security Offices". On the south end surrounded by large glass windows opening up to the common area are four large automated glass doors. And finally on the North wall are the elevators which lead to the rest of the building, including conference rooms, engineering labs, and other high-tech amenities. It is clear that this room probably handles the majority of this buildings traffic and is highly secure.


It's been a few days since Supergirl and Phobia clashed, and the process of trying to help Phobia turn towards the light is still ongoing. As the one responisble for Phobia, Supergirl has decided that it might be time to bring Phobia out of the holding cell and let her stretch her legs on Earth for a bit. So, in a column of shimmering light, the Girl of Steel appears inside MetroTower, with Phobia (who's wearing a lovely psi-dampening bracelt) alongside her.
Phobia is in full villian get-up, complete with the unhappy frown at the restrain on her wrist. She's pushing at it with the opposite hand in a resigned sort of fashion. Of course, the dampener is not moving, but it doesn't stop Phobia from fidgeting with it.

%R "I'm tellin' you, Jack, just give it some thought. I wasn't too keen on joining up with Bats asked me but in hindsight joining the League was the right move. " Ollie Queen's distinctive voice can be heard coming up the corridor. "The Society is a great bunch of guys but you can do more good in the League." His companion Jack Knight raises up one hand to hold off and says, "Okay, Ollie, I'll think it over but that's all I'm going to commit to doing right now. Thanks for having me up and all that but I'll have to think it over."
Ollie agrees to this and shows Jack the way towards the teleporter hub and heads back into the building proper after saying his goodbyes and Jack enters the main lobby.

Supergirl looks at Phobia and frowns a bit. "I know. I'm sorry that you have to wear it, but it's the rules for now. Next time....maybe I can convince the powers that be that it's not neccessary." She smiles a bit and puts a hand on Phobia's shoulder. "I know it's hard. But I'm proud of you for making the efforts, Angela." After Green Arrow leaves Starman alone, Supergirl notices the unfamiliar face and waves to the man. "Hi there! Are you a freind of Green Arrows?"

Phobia turns her face toward Supergirl as she speaks, eyes tracking to the friendly hand on her shoulder. Phobia's eyes narrow somewhat, lips still set into an unpleasant frown. There's a brief moment, where Phobia seems not to react, before she finally nods, and air of mental and emotional fatigue about her. With Supergirl pleasantly waving to Jack, Phobia follows the motion, eyes alighting on Jack. A faint bit of color rises to her cheeks as she recognizes her coffee buddy. Surely, he's going to recognize her, given that she's not a mask-wearing villian.

Jack Knight grins in Supergirl's direction and says, "Friend is a strong word. Acquaintance of his and Batman's and I think he invited me up here just to pitch a membership to me. I'm Jack Knight. " he then corrects himself remembering that he's among super hero types and adds, "Starman." he then looks to Phobia and says, "Hey, it's my coffee amigo."

Supergirl gives Starman a freindly wave and starts to speak. Then Starman's response to Phobia causes her to frown. " two know each other? Ummmmm...." Yeah. Awkward.

"We've had coffee," is Phobia's reply, her British accent terse and unsettled. She steps from Supergirl one measured half-step, bring her just a bit closer to Jack. "More correctly, the term would be amiga," she quips, tone trying to take on that friendly note from their first coffee date, but failing miserably. "I trust you've been well," she continues, hand once again fidgeting with the bracelet that sits at odds against the black of her super-suit.

Jack Knight says, “Yes we bumped into each other in Metropolis once. There was coffee, there were corporate yutzes mocked, a lovely time was had by all. So what brings you up here?”

Supergirl smiles. She can recover this, make it right for Angela. "We're just coming down from the Watchtower to stretch our legs." She smiles and puts her hand back on Phobia's shoulder. "She's been cooped up a bit because her powers got messed with, boosted to where control was harder, and she asked the League for help." Supergirl? Lying? Maybe it's not Truth, but it is Justice to not reveal that Phobia is a bad guy when she's tryign to change. Kara looks back at Angela and smiles. "Isn't that right?" There's just a hint of a wink.

Phobia turns to regard Supergirl, with a quirked brow. Green eyes study the blonde's smiling face and hinted wink. She runs her tongue over her front teeth before replying in a deadpan, "Whatever you say." She turns back to Jack, lips twitching at the hint of something other than a frown. About to say something, Phobia glances at Supergirl again, snorts faintly through her nose, and pointly looks away.

Jack Knight arches an eyebrow and leans on his re-build cosmic staff. "If I can offer an observation, Sueprgirl. I'm thinking that poker might not be your game. Still, if you ladies wouldn't mind me tagging along I'm headed down planetside anyway."

Supergirl sags a bit in disapointment. "Sorry. I think I'll just keep my mouth shut and let her speak for herself now." Kara bites her lip a bit, realizing that she's probably making things worse here."

Phobia glances at Supergirl briefly, smirks, and turns back to Jack. The smirk grows faintly, into a near grin, and the black-clad one nods. "I, for one, would truely appreciate your company," she replies, the poshness smoothing out from its prior aggitation. Then the frown touches her lips again, and she once more fidgets with the bracelet. Turning to Supergirl, she quips darkly, "Are we really going to wander about dressed like this?"

Jack Knight looks between the two as things appear awkward. "You can always borrow my jacket if you like." he says to Phobia understanding all too well that there are some people who just won't be caught dead in super hero threads if they can avoid it

Supergirl shakes her head. "Of course not. ONe of the places we were going to go was your place so you could get some regular clothes. I've got my own change of clothes all set to go." SHe smiles. "I'm sure that Starman wouldn't mind waiting outside while we change."

Phobia seems somewhat relieved, and so nods to Supergirl, before smilng wanely at Jack. "Thank you. A gentleman, as always," she says smoothly, holding out the braceleted hand, palm down, toward him.

Jack Knight takes the offered hand and says, "I could even ditch my staff and jacket and the lot of us could go inconito"

Supergirl smiles and starts to float off the ground. "Okay, Phobia, we don't know the way to your apartment, so you'll have to guide us while Starman gives you a lift. And would an orange tabby do instead of a terrier?"

"So long as no one makes a Scarecrow reference again," Phobia mutters before heaving a bit of a sigh toward Jack. "So, how do we do this, lift, thing," she asks.

Jack Knight steps onto the pad and once they've reappeared in the atmosphere he holds up his staff which lights up and makes a light humming noise as he slips an arm around Phobia's waist and the two fo them effortlessly float off of the ground. "From here on I'm going to need directions"
Supergirl floats alongside Starman and Phobia. "I know Metropolis from the air like the back of my hand, so if you give me an adress, I can find it."

Phobia shudders a bit at Jack's touch. Holding his hand was one thing, but having him wrap his arm about her waist is entirely another. She frowns, stiffens her back, and tries to take a step away, but them her feet are no longer on the ground. With a faint squeak, she suddnely flings her arms about his neck and clings for dear life. Her heart races at that sudden spike of fear and adrenaline, only for her to moan in a bit of pain and drop her temple to Jack's shoulder as a migraine starts to sudden in. She rubs the bracelet again his arm, as if that would dislodge it. "I'm staying at the Wyatt," Phobia replies, face in shoulder. "12th floor. My balcony has the petunias."

Jack Knight makes his way in that general direction and says, "On the way, Miss Daisy." and as the two of you sail in that general direction he says, "Yes, the arm wrap was for aerodynamic safety and not in fact just my being fresh."
Supergirl laughs as she flies alongside. "I don't think that she thought you were beign fresh, Starman. You're probably as incapable of somethign like that as my cousin." Once she has the adress, it's an easy matter for Supergirl to lead the way, shortly, the group finds themselves on the balcony of Phobia's residence.

Phobia just clings there like a wet cat; generally shaking and very unhappy. All the while, she keeps rubbing that bracelet on Jack's arm. So intent in hiding and trying to rub the bloody thing free that she fails to notice their arrival.
Jack Knight can't help but laugh at Supergirl's statement. "Wow, you really don't know me at all do you?" As the two of them light on the balcony, Jack's staff humms down as he releases Phobia though he's a gentleman and leaves the arm handy should she need to steady herself

Supergirl smiles and shrugs. "Just giving you the benefit of the doubt. Although if you're more like Green Arrow than Superman...." She waits for Phobia to open the door and invite them inside.

Oh! We're here? We're here! Phobia moves too quickly to get out of Jack's arms once her feet settle fully, that she stumbles.

Jack Knight sets his staff against the wall and turns to Supergirl. "I honestly don't know Arrow well enough to say. For whatever reason Bats thought he'd be the one to convince me to join the league."

Supergirl smiles. "Probably becasue Green Arrow was such a hard sell to begin with. Okay, we'll be right back." She smiles at Phobia. "So, let's get changed and grab some of your clothes."

Phobia recovers herself and nods to Supergirl. Letting herself into her hotel room, she leads the way to her bedroom, and rummages through her closet. It takes her some time to change, but when she does, Angela emerges in her carefully coordinated two piece suit. Today, it's a soft teal, with a rich peacock-blue flower on the lapel. White lace gloves cover her hands without protecting them.

It doesn't take Supergirl all that long to change. Just a quick spin at superspeed and her blue costume and red skirt are replaced by a white spaghetti strap top and bluejeans. She walks over to Phobia once her charge is finished dressing and looks at the other woman for a while. "Here...let me see your wrist."

Jack Knight leans against the wall having changed out of his jacket and goggles which along with the staff constitute this incarnation of Starman's costume. He shrugs at Supergirl's comment and says, "Hey, I hung up the whole Starman thing five years ago and now here I am back so maybe I won't be such a hard sell afterall"

Phobia was looking through her jewelry box, looking at herself in a mirror while holding up various earrings to wear, seeing which would look best with her attire. As Supergirl approaches and asks for her wrist, Phobia pauses, regards Supergirl a moment, then extends her wrist.

Jack Knight stands in his bowling shirt (a true gem of a find from the mid 1950s if you're even remotely into that sort of thing) and waits on the ladies to emerge. When they do so he asks, "What is that bracelet thing anyway?"

There's just a bit of hesitation as Supergirl takes Phobia's hand. She presses her thumb against a pad on the psi-damper bracelet and the mechanism unlocks. Kara takes the bracelet away and looks at Phobia, smiling gently. "Trust has to begin somewhere. If you need it back to fight off the hunger, let me know." When Starman asks his question, Supergirl looks back at Phobia and nods to her. "Up to you what you want to tell him. Your fate is your own here."

Phobia eyes Supergirl with a mixture of confussion and awe. Bringing her wrist up, she rubs at it where the bracelet lay. Her gaze next turns to Jack, a little frown forming. "It keeps my powers in check," she all she replies before she turns back to her jewelry box for the pearl earrings and the silver wrist watch.

Jack Knight nods as he eyes the bracelet and the explaination. Oh yes, he's definately back into the super hero game again and he's almost ready to admit to himself just how much he missed it. "How did you get the power boost in the first place if you don't mind my asking."

Supergirl looks over to Phobia and gives her a 'it's up to you' look. She walks off to the side, looking at the decor in the main room.

The room is your typical high-end hotel room that caters to the more permanent guest. "She lied," is Angela's terse reply. She moves to her purse and settles to the foot of the bed to redo her makeup. "I'm a telepath, and she didn't want me in the minds of those in the Watchtower, apparently," Phobia begins, tone darkening. Already her mind is ferreting out for the darker emotions, for fear and anxiety.

Jack Knight nods "I gathered that she was lying but I thought it was abuot them trying to help you." He looks to the Kryptonian that he knows can hear him. "It was a complement, Blue. Not being a good liar is generally considered to be a good thing."

Supergirl smiles a bit at Jack. "I know. I'm sorry, but when it came out that you two knew each other, I wanted to try and give her an excuse to to her story to you on her terms." She looks over to Angela, no fear or anxiety. "I hope that you can accept that I was trying to help."

"Mmmmmmm," is all Angela replies, the sound rumbling in her throat, as she paints her lips with practiced ease. Quick 5 minutes face: foundation, powder, eyeliner, eye-lights, mascara, lipstick, dab of blush. She click everything shut, putting it away, and reaches for her shoes.

--Scene Paused--