Monday, May 9, 2011

Angela and Kara

Date of Scene: May 9, 2011
Characters in Scene (In Order of Appearance):

x-----==[ Holding Cell - JLA Watch Tower ]==----------------------------------
Scene setting is given through RP.


between her college classes and her duties as Supergirl, Kara has been trying to see Phobia each and every day, hoping that she's making a difference in the woman's life. Tonight, again, there's a meeting in one of the Watchtower's holding cells. This time, though, Kara is not alone. She's brought Lilith Clay along to help her with the evaluation. In Kara's hands is a tray, piled high with food from the cafeteria. "Angela?" she calls out as she enters the holding room. "Angela, it's Supergirl. How are you doing? I've brought food and a freind with me."

This is not the first time that Lilith has visited the Watchtower. As an original member of the Teen Titans, she has what some would call mad connections. But tonight she is not in her usual cheery style, wearing her red and black Omen robes instead. Her expression is especially neutral, her emotions calm...there isn't so much as a ripple. Of all the people in the world, she is probably one of the only very few who could accomplish this so well. She refuses to be a last-minute substitution for J'onn!

It's been a rough two weeks for Phobia. Waking nightmares plague her. The kind that tear screams from the throats of the sleeper until they wake up in a cold-sweat, panting and wide eyed. She's clawed the walls, cried, screamed, threatened, begged, rationalized, the full gambit, to thin air, in hopes of getting the psy-dampeners removed and one long night of someone else's nightmares. Today's a silent day. Phobia is found sitting on the edge of her bed, back straight, legs crossed at the ankle, and hands folded demurely in her lap. Supergirl's voice doesn't get so much as a flick of response as Angela stares blankly ahead. Under her eyes are deep purple bags, and her normally pale skin seems ghostly.

Supergirl sighs and sets the food tray down. "Oh, Angela..." She turns off the forcefield, allowing access to the cell. Supergirl takes a few cautionary step into the cell. "'s me. Tell me what's wrong...tell me how i can help." She moves in further and kneels near the silent woman.

Lilith, meanwhile, stays back. She knows how this sort of thing goes. No intrusions, no poking...just a feel in the air, a sense of general emotions around her. She doesn't's like taking a psychic breath of air, to weigh the room.

Phobia is an emotional void. Fatigue is all that is left in her. Fatigue from a hunger too long left unsatisfied. As Supergirl kneels nearby, Angela blinks once, then turns her head toward Kara. The motion is slow. Like dead blood oozing from the nostrils of a corpse. Dull green eyes are slow to focus on Supergirl. Once focused, the thought preceeds the words: "Make them stop." Phobia's psyche is tired, tired of having nothing to suppress its own fears.

Slowly, Supergirl puts one of her hands on Phobia's leg. "Make who stop, Angela? Do you need to feed more, psychicly?" She knows she's in dangerous teritory now, but she refuses to abandon someoen in need. "If you need to feed on some fear, you can leech off of me for a bit." Supergirl looks back nervously at Lilith with a 'what-do-I-do?' look on her face.

"I think," Lilith starts, once she's looked to for advice, "we need to establish some boundaries and all just get kind of groovier." She reaches out with her mind, and it is a calming, peaceful sort of psyche that she herself possesses. It's one in a million, if even that much. She is a bodhisattva, undeniably, beyond question. This is never so apparent as when minds touch. "Just breathe deeply and relax..."

Phobia's eyes flutter closed a moment as that calming mind washes over her own. And then two thoughts hit her at about hte same time: "Someone's in my head!" and "The dampeners are off!" The first thought brings with it the bile-flavored sensation of bone-numbing terror. The second thought brings the exhileration of a York Peppermint Patty. Phobia's eyes snap open. Her pupils contract sharply and her eyes narrow sinisterly. Mental claws reaching for the first mind at hand, Phobia hisses as she rises to her feet and spins to face Lilith. Supergirl seems forgotten as Phobia's mind carelessly rakes itself against Lilith's, looking for a hand-hold of terror.

"No!" Shpuergirl shouts as Phobia gets that wild eyed look. With her super-speed she moves to place herself between Phobia and Lilith. "Angela, listen to me! You have to control yourself! Don't do this!" She remains an immovable physical barrier to Phobia, hoping that Lilith can calm the woman down.

However, Lilith doesn't seem in the slightest perturbed. It's funny, or might be to someone who hadn't seen her at her best. She seems so happy-go-lucky usually, but she's often dismissed as a hippie piece of scenery. Certainly not the kind that most people would imagine to have such control over her emotions. But there she is, standing peacefully before Phobia. "I'm not afraid. You don't have to worry." Lilith smiles softly as she reaches out to place her hand on Supergirl's shoulder. "Standing in front of someone doesn't usually stop psychic attack. It's really sweet you thought of me though." Although she said she wasn't afraid, the levels upon which she apparently meant this are profound: evidently, she isn't afraid. At all.

With Lilith's mind giving her nothing, Phobia backs away, pressing herself against the wall. Her eyes shift to Supergirl. "They're dead," she breathes, voice cracking. Her attack lacks finesse. Mental claws reach for Supergirl's mind, for that tender spot filled with the dead bodies of a couple of farm-hicks, seeking to rip the emotion up forcefully, uncaring what damage is done or what telepaths exist to stop her.

Supergirl cries as she drops to her knees, hands clutching at her head. "No!!!!!" She rocks back and forth helplessly as Smallville burns in her mind, Superman holding the corpses of the Kents. The Girl of Steel is unable to do anythign more than grit her teeth as her fear flows into Phobia.

Lilith reaches out with the calming influence of her mind to Supergirl. "Get on my wavelength," she soothingly speaks to the young superheroine. "If you don't believe in it, it can't hurt you. It's just playing with your mind...illusions. Smoke and mirrors." She moves with perfect composition. Not just a New Age guru full of fluff.

What a drastic change in Phobia as soon as the first wave of Supergirl's fear washes over her. The tension fades from around her eyes, her lips part softly, and her shoulders relax. An audible sigh, the sigh of a crack addict getting a hit, escapes her form, and Phobia sinks down to the floor. Savoring what she got, Phobia's mind is easily pried from its victim, sliding away from Kara's fears. It's like a starving woman licking her own fingers rather than continue after the try of food.

Lilith's voice slides into Kara's mind like a cool river. Her fears are lessened, and eventually subside. She's still on her knees for a few moments, breathing heavily. She slowly gets back under control and stands back up. It takes all her will not to snap at Phobia, but her tension still shows. "Are you feeling...better, now?"

Standing close to Supergirl and keeping herself ready, Lilith remains still, from outside in. It is said that some meditate to find the still point, a point of complete tranquility that exists within everyone. Lilith has cultivated hers, made it flourish...and there she exists, in this moment and all around it. She says nothing further.

Phobia's eyes open again, the crazed tension lessened. A touch of pale color brushes across her cheeks, and the villian collects herself and makes her way to her feet. After a long moment, she finally offers a sour sort of, "Tea time?"

"I brought you food," Supergirl replies, trying to not sound bitter. "And I brought a friend with me. This is Lillith Clay. She wants to help you get better, too." She goes over to the concole and picks up the food tray, bringing it over to set it on Angela's bed.

"We've met." Lilith offers that same smile to Phobia. It's been a while, and who knows if the other woman remembers. Lilith could hardly forget it herself, though.

Phobia tilts her head at Lilith's reply, brows creasing into a thin line. Clearly, the Titan villian doesn't recall the red robed woman. Moving with a touch of uncertainty, Phobia makes her way toward the food, while giving Kara a nod. "my thanks. You are, as always, a considerate host."

Supergirl nods. "I wish I could do more to help you, Angela. I know it's hard for you, but I think you're making progress. That's why I brought Lilith along with me, so she can do a more accurate judging of your mental state and what we need to work more on."

Lilith stays where she is, still pleasant in expression as she can be. At the moment, she clearly sees an advantage in being inobtrusive.

Phobia settles down with all the grace of the Queen of Scots, and begins to eat her meal. "I am fortunate you can see said progress, given our history," she retorts coldly, as her eyes settle on Lilith. "You're familiar. Why?"

Supergirl sits down near Phobia. "I think I'm fortunate that you're doing well enough not to try and totaly strip my mind." As Phobia asks the question of Lilith, Kara keeps silent and lets her freind answer.

"Like I said," Lilith simply answers. "We've met." She seems difficult, if not impossible, to fluster. Perhaps it just hasn't been tried enough. She lets Kara make her moves and call the shots. As she said earlier, she is backup...she is here to provide much-needed telepathic support. But this is Supergirl's project.

Phobia frowns lightly at the non-committal response, but leaves it be. Instead, she focuses on Supergirl and her comment. "Mmmm, yes. Sorry for that. I had.. have not slept well... As of late." She takes a drink, her mind completing the sentance: and I think I'm losing my mind.

Supergirl nods slowly. "Do you want the medical services here to perscribe you sleeping aids? If you're not getting enough sleep, that's definately going to affect your progress." She sits back a bit, taking a more nonchalant pose. "Tell me what's been going on. What have you been strugling with?"

"May I sit down?" Lilith motions to a seat closer to the door than to the other two, keeping carefully outside of the immediate vicinity of the other two. She doesn't want to provoke anything.

"No meds," Phobia snips, eyes narrowing. She nods as Lilith asks to sit, though the sound of her voice reminds Phobia to be a bit wary. It's hindered by the fatigue that remains. A hand is brought up to rub at a temple. "Nightmares are bothering me."

Supergirl holds up a hand in a calming gesture. "Alright. No meds." Once Angela calms down a bit and brings up her nightmares, Kara nods. "Okay. What's happening in your nightmares? Let's talk about thema nd get to the bottom of them so that maybe we can get you to sleep better."

Lilith bows her head lightly. "Thank you." She takes a seat and smoothes out the robe, folding her hands in her lap. At least she's not threatening. Even if the robe looks a bit imposing. But then, that's why she chose it.

Phobia peers about the food for an actual cup of tea as she replies to Kara. "The images aren't clear. At least, nothing clear enough that I can remember. All I know is that..." She stops and turns her face away to whisper, "It's frightening."

Quietly but firmly, Lilith speaks. "Generally these sorts of impressions are only capable of scaring us when we allow it," she explains. "But some psychics are able to make it more formidable. And many minds just aren't prepared for the things they see." She gestures with a hand, slowly. "Some people say that this world and every other depends on our individual perception. SO if you think about it, it's really how we understand our reality."

Quietly but firmly, Lilith speaks. "Generally these sorts of impressions are only capable of scaring us when we allow it," she explains. "But some psychics are able to make it more formidable. And many minds just aren't prepared for the things they see." She gestures with a hand, slowly. "Some people say that this world and every other depends on our individual perception. So if you think about it, it's really how we understand our reality."

Phobia hadn't a clue how to respond to Supergirl, but Lilith answers so fluidly, that Phobia just half-nods and finishes the last few bites in silence. Gingerly wiping hte corners of her mouth, Angela shifts her feet a bit, then recrosses her legs at the ankles. "The nightmares don't bother me... when I've sampled the fears of others. That much I've come to fully understand."

"Then why are the nightmares keeping you from sleeping?" Supergirl believes Angela isn't really afraid of much. But there still has to be some sort of fear there for these bad dreams to affect her so mech.

Lilith grows quiet again, returning her hand atop the other and listening attentively to what Phobia has to say. Her mind is still there in the room, feeling the psychic ether, but it's not probing, not pressing anywhere, not intruding...very relaxed.

With the relaxing blanket of Lilith's mind covering the area with it's aroma-therapy-esque groove, Anglea leans back against the wall, hands folding in her lap. Her fingers fidget slightly. "The same reason nightmares would keep anyone from sleeping," she quips coldly, green eyes focused on Supergirl. "Nightmares are scary."

Supergirl pauses as she thinks for a bit. " need the fear of others to counter your own fears...." She looks over Angela for a while, considering. "have you ever tried to face your own fears without the strength you get from absorbing the fears of others?"

"If you need me to, I can stay." Lilith gently offers, from her little corner of the room. "I also brought some herbal teas that help with nightmares and restful don't have to try them, of course, but I've dealt with a lot of nightmares."

Phobia frowns at Supergirl, glaring at her as if she had grown a single eyebrow, a wart, and a Parisian profile. In lieu of replying to Supergirl, Phobia turns to regard Lilith with a cautious sort of optism. "Tea," she questions with all the tea-loving British nobly she has. "Tea would be sublime." Even if it makes me sleep.

Supergirl frowns a bit. "That doesn't really answer my question, you know. Or are you trying to say that you have tried and how we found you just now is what happens?" Her tone becomes softer, more conciliatory. "Angela, I just want to help you. And to do that, I need to know what you're going through, what your past is like. You've seen the fears I have inside me, let me help you deal with yours."

Lilith clears her throat very softly, but in the room it might as well be a bell. "Let her do her thing, right? I know she'll open up when she trusts us and sees that we only want to help her. I can go get those teas...I can even stay here, or in the room next door, if that would help. I want to help, but sometimes...sometimes you have to put your money where your mouth is. You know?"

Phobia eyes Supergirl again as Lilith speaks, only to nod and say, "Tea would be lovely. Thank you." All the while her gaze never wavers from Supergirl's.

Supergirl closes her eyes, feeling the confines of the small room suddenly. Trust. There's only one really big thing she's been holding back from Angela, something that could potentially destory all of Angela's progress. "The only things I've been keeping secret are things that are not totally my secret to share. You've seen what I'm afraid of, Angela. You know how important some things I know are, and how devastating they can be. You have all the pieces you need right not to unlock one of the biggest mystery that exists today; something the could bring you more money than you can possibly imagine, if sold to the right bidder." The Girl of Steel feels weary now, like she doesn't have the strength to hold herself up, much less a jet plane. Kara looks right at Angela. "You have all the information you need to figure out Superman's secret identity. Luthor would make you very rich. And that scene you saw would come true."
Lilith rises with a particular, supernatural smoothness, and she turns to the door. "I'll just be a mental yell away." Said more for Supergirl's peace of mind than Phobia's, but either way she glides off to prepare the tea she brought with her. She probably can still hear everything. She probably doesn't need to. Whatever the case, she walks off to busy herself preparing tea.

Phobia looks completely baffled at Supergirl's speech. Her lips part as she tries to digest it. For long long moments, Phobia studies Kara's crestfallen features, as if merely looking at her would reveal something to her. And for once, Phobia doesn't immediately go to her mental powers for the answers. The silence drags on for nearly one full uncomfortable minute before Angela snorts, turns up her nose, folds her arms over her chest, and shifts to cross her legs at the knees rather than the ankles. "Money is not something I have an overwhelming need for. Especially from an American Man."

There's another long pause as Supergirl looks at Angela. "I know it's hard for you to trust, especially trust someone like me. And I'm not going to lie and say that what you've seen in my mind and what you know isn't a factor in trying to help you. But it's the truth when I say it's not the main factor. I want to help you becasue you deserve to be helped, if you want it. You deserve to live without your ability being a curse and a drain on you. I know what it's like to be alone, to be hurt and used and betrayed. It took me a long time to deal with my own mental scars, but I got through it by having friends that cared about me. So let me help you, the way I was helped."

Phobia regards Supergirl in silence, slowly uncurling from that too-cool reclined look, into a more upright and attentive pose. Her brows pull together gently, a thin crease forming between them. Her lips pull down at the corners in the hint of a thoughtful frown. Friends is clearly not something Angela's had. Her eyes narrow, then relax. Her head tilts, lips relax. An eye twitches. The frown returns, and her eyes once more narrow. Unmoving for several more seconds, Angela finally holds out a hand and states clearly, "Angela Hawkins the third."

Supergirl smiles and takes Angela's hand, shaking it. "Kara In-Ze." Her smile fades and she nods, fearing the reaction that may come. "Yes. I know I have a rather unique name. We did meet before our fight. When I was in my secret identity." She straightens back up, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry that I mislead you before. I didn't know how you would take the information; I still don't know, to be honest. But the trust has to start to help you heal. You've been open with me, I need to be fair with you."

A few moments later, Lilith returns, with a pot of tea and three cups. "It's really technically a tisane, but...same basic operating principle." She smiles wider, more toothily, perhaps relaxing a bit more around the two. "This is a really good blend for bringing peace. With your feedback, I can adjust it to suit you better."

The odd name, it was clear, Phobia could handle. The smile, the warmth, all register as OK-FINE on Phobia's radars. After all, Kara had said she was from another planet loads of times. Phobia herself saw the planet's destruction, even if the nightmare of a pair of dead farmers here on Earth seemed to hit her harder. The reasons behind it were foreign to the estranged noble, and so they were not dwelt upon. When Kara fesses up to having met Angela in her secret identity a look of complete and utter confusion strikes the Brit's face as surely as if she has been slapped. Enter Lilith. Still looking completely balderdashed, Angela turns to look at Lilith. Uncomprehending, Angela merely nods and straightens more fully, returning her ankles to their proper crossed and her hand to their gentle fold in her lap (regardles that her fingers still fidget).

The agitation in Angela is very apparent, from her body posture to her elevated heart rate. "I'm sorry, Angela. I really am. I just...." Supergirl's voice drops quieter and her head is hung low. "I just wanted to help." And her general mental state and aura show that she realy is sorry about hurting this stranger in this way, caught between her desire to help and her duty to protect her family.

Lilith passes out the tea and then takes her own with the tray. "I will be nearby...okay? I'm going to let you two work this out because I feel like I'm intruding, and that's not cool. Just give me a mental shout and I'll be right here." She smiles again, a little wider, and then actually vanishes -- teleported out in a swirled ripple -- from the room. The tea, or tisane as she said, is a creeping effect, but it is effective on at least human physiology...bringing subtle relaxation, but powerful relaxation, to its drinkers.

Phobia takes her tea, watching with raised brows, as Lilith swirls out of sight. A sip taken, and her green eyes shift back to Kara. She regards the other woman for a moment, long enough to take a sip of the tea. The soothing flavor is famliar and not, all at once, and so she speaks finally in an almost gentle tone. "You're only the second person that has ever truly seemed genuine in wanting to help."

Phobia sips her tea, enjoying the calm infusion spreading through her. "Thank you," she replies after a goodly pause. "That actaully... does mean alot," she adds. A soft, uncertain, shy, little smile peaks its way onto her features. And then she adds in a tone that sings of testing the waters: "Kara."

Supergirl leans forward, smiling. "You're welcome, Angela." Kara geats another thoughtful look in her eyes. "I was wondering...have you ever tried to absorb someone's positive emotions? Maybe you can feed off things like love and happiness as well as the darker side."

Phobia tilts her head, the frown returning. But there's no malice within her eyes. Instead, the frown seems thoughtful. She taps her fingernail against the rim of her tea cup as she ponders. Finally, she shakes her head, "I've never tried, in all honesty, but I rather think that I should limit the touching of another's mind. At least for a time." She sips her tea again. "It's a habit, so long ingrained, that it will take time to undo." She sips again, still
looking thoughtful.
"Well, you have a willine test subject in me," Kara replies. "I should probably get going, now. My patrol is going to start soon. Are you going to be okay for now?"

Phobia looks up from her tea, tilts her head again, then finally nods. "Yes. Yes, I think so." She starts to sip her tea again, then puts to in her lap. "May I ask for two things? Before you go?"

Supergirl nods. "Of course."

"Could you leave the dampeners off, or lower than you normally keep them? I know that may be pushing it, but, I still would like to ask and..." Phobia sips her tea once before continuing, "...I would like my knitting."

Supergirl nods, smiling. "Done and done. The dampers won't be totally turned down, but they will be set lower. Is that fine? And I'll bring up your knitting right away."

Phobia nods to that, an actual smile working its way to her face. "Yes. Thank you." And for the first time in a long time, Angela takes a calm and unflustered breath.