Sunday, May 8, 2011

Running into Valari in Gotham (Incomplete Scene)

Date of Scene: May 8, 2011
Characters in Scene (In Order of Appearance):

-----==[ Crime Alley - Gotham City ]==----------------------------------------

Once called Park Row, and still labeled by that name, the street called Crime Alley is about as dangerous as the title implies. Long and dark, the street winds through a host of brick buildings, debris, and detritus. The architecture and the asphalt of the street itself are in a state of general disrepair. Tenement buildings are accessed from here, the old Gotham Arms Hotel, and a diner or two. Those that can be found walking this street are generally not of the reputable sort.
Infamously, Crime Alley is where a mugger murdered tycoon Thomas Wayne and his wife Martha in front of their eight year old son, Bruce, while the family was returning home from the cinema.


It may be stereotypical of the superelements, either good or bad, within Gotham to stand on the edge of a building, one foot up on the ledge, and peering down at the streets. but it is a stereotype that, nonetheless, The guy in the black hoody and cargo-pants is doing. Arms cross on one knee he stands unmoving. Literally, unmoving. So still he could be mistaken for yet another of gothams multitude of gargoyles. Sans wings, of course.

Meanwhile, slinking from shadow to shadow, is another of Gotham's sterotypes, complete with black cape. Phobia is on th ehunt, prowling for the terrified minds. She climbs up a fire escape to the rooftops, where her mind can trickle down from on high. It's just the same roof top at hoody-man. As she makes her final ascent, she grunts softly and hauls herself up onto the ledge.

Valari must sense her in some way since the dark figure turns his head and only his head slowly towards her direction. He is wearing matte-black wrap-around shades that covers his eyes and stares at her silhoette. Beyond that he doesn't move a muscle.. or gear.. or whatever the hell he has.

Phobia puffs a soft huff and sits herself on the edge of hte building to catch her breath. She starts to lean back, and look around, only to see Valari starting back at her. A strangled little choke and Phobia falls backwards, off the ledge, and onto the roof proper.

Valari 's lips might, juuuuust might, quirk for a second. And then he is gone.. a dark blur becoming nothing.. Only to land on the actually ledge in a very Prophecy-like crouch. He stares at her a moment, then offers her a fingerless-gloved hand. "For a supervillien, you sure are clumsy." he says in the Borgish-like syntehic voice of his.

Phobia's mind instantly scans and finds... Nothing! Green eyes widening, Phobia scoots back once before pushing herself up. "You startled me," she retorts with her tight British accent.

((Phobia loses internet. Scene incomplete.))